Understanding how to use data to your advantage is crucial for all nonprofits. Your organization's impact, events, and funding can be more efficient through an effective use of data.
Join Darryl Moser, Morgan Berman, Lisa Truong, Nancy Astor Fox, and Corey Newhouse in a discussion about how measuring nonprofit outcomes can affect the human approach to performance.
About our speakers:
Darryl Moser joined MilkCrate to leverage his experience in growing software companies that started with an innovative idea that also serve the social good. Previously he was a founding partner of software company that grew to $15M in revenue per year, 100+ employees. He has international experience with personal project management, developing sales channels with partners in over 30 countries and has worked with nonprofits for 30+ years.
Morgan Berman is the Executive Director of Life Science Cares Philadelphia, a regional branch of a collective effort of life science companies to eliminate the impacts of poverty on our neighbors. Life Science Cares has contributed millions of dollars and thousands of volunteer hours towards dozens of nonprofits in four cities.
Nancy Astor Fox is the Chief Development Officer of JEVS Human Services. In this role, Nancy oversees staff for all fundraising strategies and implementation and all business and fund development efforts resulting in over $21 million raised in FY21. In this new redesigned role, she leads all aspects of individual and institutional development, volunteer activities and strategic planning initiatives. She serves as ambassador throughout the community in raising awareness and support for JEVS Human Services and focuses on relationship building with key external and internal stakeholders. Prior to coming on board as Chief Development Officer, Nancy served on the JEVS Human Services Board of Directors.
Corey Newhouse is the Founder of Public Profit, a consultancy that helps mission driven organizations use data to make better decisions and improve the quality of their services. Corey works with nonprofits, foundations and governments to evaluate their programs, improve their data systems, and enhance their ability to learn. She's the co-author of Dabbling in the Data and Creative Ways to Solicit Stakeholder Feedback, and co-editor of Measure, Use, Improve! Data Use in Out-of-School Time. She loves data, and wants you to love it, too!
Lisa Truong is a social entrepreneur with 20 years experience in non-profit and communications sector. She has been working across sectors to build public and private partnerships to address diaper need since 2009. Under Lisa’s leadership, Help a Mother Out (“HAMO”) has grown from a grassroots, volunteer-run kitchen table idea to a nationally-recognized, policy-influencing organization with an annual operating budget of $2.5 million. During her tenure, HAMO established (2015) and operates the nation’s first publicly funded diaper program, the San Francisco Diaper Bank, in partnership with the City and County of San Francisco. Prior to her work with HAMO, Lisa held roles at Tides Foundation. She is a graduate of the University of California, at Berkeley. Lisa is a 1.5 generation immigrant and grew up in the Bay Area. She currently lives in Oakland with her two boys. In her spare time, you'll likely find her taking a dance class or hiking in the redwoods.